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August 19,2006 morning,the Huangpu River.More than 18,000 households in Shanghai people to live a piece of land for generations have been vacated formed a new,four years after the world started building a "excitement" - China 2010 Shanghai World Expo Park.
This is the history of dynamic relocation Shanghai the largest single public works is the 150-year history of the World Expo on an unprecedented scale construction projects.At this moment,because of the World Expo "Everyone" and give up their own "little home" more than 18,000 families in where?Whether they will fall into "interests were looting,declining quality of life" and "Dynamic relocation vicious circle"?
Here we will cover the relocation of several residents to see their views on the relocation of the Expo
"Shanghai World Expo Park,has just started,but we have the first taste of the World Expo will bear fruit.Kujinganlai really living." 52-year-old residents of the dynamic relocation payments Qiao-rong."Although the city is the central fact shantytowns.Although it hard to leave their homeland,but we are all looking forward to improve their living conditions as soon as possible.While new home is also some 'country',but the living environment and development prospects are good.For the Expo this 'We' contribution to a little strength,we feel that bright face."
53-year-old resident Liu towel move new homes who have more than 4 months,she said:"In the ordinary people view the World Expo was a national matter,should make every effort to support; in the Government's view,population removal and resettlement is not a trivial matter,the relocation of residents interests should be protected by the law.We think of one place,things will be much easier to handle."
"From the slums to Shikumen and then to an apartment building,the general people take generations for decades,time,and we have taken the step to a few decades,changes are not so big you say?Step and together for decades,not only to material hardware changes,but also to enhance the quality of their own civilization,changing mental outlook of the process,"Liu jin Zhang
Today,more than 18,000 households have been the first to benefit from moving the residents involved,the Shanghai World Expo will lead the "Better City,Better Life" ideal,is the practice of large-scale exploration of bear attractive fruit.
This is the history of dynamic relocation Shanghai the largest single public works is the 150-year history of the World Expo on an unprecedented scale construction projects.At this moment,because of the World Expo "Everyone" and give up their own "little home" more than 18,000 families in where?Whether they will fall into "interests were looting,declining quality of life" and "Dynamic relocation vicious circle"?
Here we will cover the relocation of several residents to see their views on the relocation of the Expo
"Shanghai World Expo Park,has just started,but we have the first taste of the World Expo will bear fruit.Kujinganlai really living." 52-year-old residents of the dynamic relocation payments Qiao-rong."Although the city is the central fact shantytowns.Although it hard to leave their homeland,but we are all looking forward to improve their living conditions as soon as possible.While new home is also some 'country',but the living environment and development prospects are good.For the Expo this 'We' contribution to a little strength,we feel that bright face."
53-year-old resident Liu towel move new homes who have more than 4 months,she said:"In the ordinary people view the World Expo was a national matter,should make every effort to support; in the Government's view,population removal and resettlement is not a trivial matter,the relocation of residents interests should be protected by the law.We think of one place,things will be much easier to handle."
"From the slums to Shikumen and then to an apartment building,the general people take generations for decades,time,and we have taken the step to a few decades,changes are not so big you say?Step and together for decades,not only to material hardware changes,but also to enhance the quality of their own civilization,changing mental outlook of the process,"Liu jin Zhang
Today,more than 18,000 households have been the first to benefit from moving the residents involved,the Shanghai World Expo will lead the "Better City,Better Life" ideal,is the practice of large-scale exploration of bear attractive fruit.
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