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翻译几个句子(1)模范遵守“小学生守则”和“小学生日常行为规范”; (2)模范遵守社会公德; (3)积极上进,富有朝气,自强不息,品学兼优,对班风、校风建设起着带头引领作用。 (1)“五爱”,即热爱祖国、热爱中国共产党、热爱人民、热爱和平、热爱科学; (2)“五心”,即有爱心、有孝心、有诚心、有同情心、有责任心; (3)“五学会”,即学会学习、学会生存、学会合作、学会创造、学会感恩; (4)“五健康”,即健康思想、健康体魄、健康心理、健康交友、健康娱乐。
(1) model observes "pupils code" and "pupils daily behavior criterion, (2) model observes social morality, (3) positive progress, vigorous, self-improvement, help to ban feng, the university spirit construction plays a lead the leading role. (1) "WuAi", i.e., love the motherland, love the Chinese communist party, love people, love peace, love science. (2) "five heart", i.e., good-hearted, have the filial piety, sincere, caring, responsible, (3) "five society", namely how to learn, to survive, learn to cooperate, learn to create, learn Thanksgiving, (4) "five health", i.e. health thought, healthy body, health psychology and health making friends, healthy entertainment.