早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
考试 了,求《英语写作手册》书上第79页-80页课后答案,是外语教学与研究出版社出版的 (修订本)要求结构重新组合,内容改为简洁. I got up a little later than usual on sunday morning . I washed and had a quick breakfast . Then i started going to town to buy the dirctionary recommeded by the teacher . At the school gate i saw Li Ping. I asked him if he was going to town too,and he said that he was . So we decided to go together .All the huses were crowded .We had to wait for a long time at the bus stop before we could get on a bus.An hour later we got off the bus at a busy street . There were three bookstores there.We went to the frist one and didi not find the dictionary.Then we went to the second one and the shop assistant said that the dictionry was sold out .I finally bought the dictionary at the third bookstore .After that Li Ping and I went to other stores and bought various things . We returned to school just in time for lunch .
I got up a little later than usual on sunday morning . I washed and had a quick breakfast . Then i started going to town to buy the dirctionary recommeded by the teacher . At the school gate i saw Li Ping. I asked him if he was going to town too,and he said that he was . So we decided to go together .All the huses were crowded .We had to wait for a long time at the bus stop before we could get on a bus.An hour later we got off the bus at a busy street . There were three bookstores there.We went to the frist one and didi not find the dictionary.Then we went to the second one and the shop assistant said that the dictionry was sold out .I finally bought the dictionary at the third bookstore .After that Li Ping and I went to other stores and bought various things . We returned to school just in time for lunch .
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