早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Module 1 Unit1
1. at ease with
2. know of sb / sth
3. tell the differences between A and B
4. on (the) average
5. used to do sth
6. be happy with sth/ sb
7. for free
8. such as
9. encourage sb to do sth
10. introduce A to B
11. pass sth on (to) sb
12. be available for
13. far (away) from
14. make sure that
15. graduate from university
16. upon/ on doing
17. surf the internet
18. donate sth to sb
19. forget to do sth
20. inform sb of sth
21. prepare for
22. be responsible for
23. be made up of
24. consist of
25. come up with
26. tell sb about sth
27. sound like
28. word by word
29. drop some subjects
30. play on the school fields
31. e-mail sb
32. talk to sb about sth
33. prepare to do sth
34. thank sb for
35. invite sb to be/do
36. make a speech about
37. run a radio club
38. approve the idea
39. require sb to do st

Module1 Unit 2

1. turn up
2. a waste of time
3. try to do sth
4. force sb to do sth
5. spend time (in) doing sth
6. be supposed to do sth
7. in charge
8. shout at
9. give sb a chance to do sth
10. deserve to do sth
11. instead of
12. be hard on sb
13. now that
14. be rude to sb
15. feel like doing sth
16. be different from sth
17. in the form of
18. pay attention to
19. think of
20. search…for
21. a little bit
22. be proud of
23. stay up
24. mix up…with
25. ask for sth
26. stop doing sth
27. mean to do sth
28. keep in mind
29. tidy up
30. be angry with
31. clean up
32. a bit of
33. at all
34. invite sb to do sth
35be busy with sth
36. used to do sth
37. be used to do sth
38. be .used to doing sth
39. refuse to do sth
40. as though
41. insist on
42. prevent sb from doing sth
43. forbid sb from doing sth
44. argue about sth with sb
45. allow sb to do sth
46. do with
47. go out
48. not…any more
49. after all
50. at present
51. like crazy
52. choose…from
53. can’t wait to do sth
54. go unpunished
55. should have done sth
56. be nervous about sth
57. all the time
58. get sth done
59. at the moment
60. miss doing sth
61. advise sb to do sth
62. make a bit of difference
63. be fit for
64. ask to do sth,
65. happen to sb

Module 2 Unit 1

1. run into
2. put on
3. intend to do sth
4. believe in
5. according to
6. take turns to do sth
7. step up
8. do research on sth
9. draw conclusions
10. go missing
11. rule out
12. make recommendations
13. show great interest in
14. look into
15. be based on
16. due to
17. make up
18. report doing sth
19. because of
20. take charge of
21. be said to do sth
22. be surprised that …
23. dream of doing
24. run after
25. stay out
26. come true
27. with amazing speed
28. show up
29. separate from
30. on average
31. see sb doing sth
32. pick up
33. make one’s way to
34. hear sb do sth
35. in return
36. live on
37. get ready for bed
38. shake hands with
39. see sth with one’s own eyes
40. go str

Module 2 Unit 2

1. be busy doing
2. spend some time doing
3. in case
4. upside down
5. as… as possible
6. up close
7. make sure
8. look forward to
9. if possible
10. be tired of
11. feed on
12. in the dark
13. in perfect harmony with
14. get close to
15. refer to
16. risk one’s life
17. be worth doing
18. run out
19. as well
20. in progress
21. at dawn
22. in total
23. up to
24. provide sb with
25. leave out
26. make use of
27. be tired of
28. tourist spot
29. scare away
30. on clear nights
31. make a fire
32. end with

Module 2 Unit 3

1. be curious about
2. set sail
3. be known as
4. make a…discovery
5. as well as
6. empty…of…
7. fall ill
8. die of
9. have something to do with
10. result in
11. pay off
12. make a great contribution to
13. at full speed
14. thanks to
15. be chosen as
16. be qualified for
17. win sb sth
18. be described as
19. in control of
20. be proud of
21. look up to sb as
22. manage to do sth
23. go down
24. in history
25. compare with
26. live on
27. base sth on sth
28. be based on
29. have anything to do with
30. have nothing to do with
31. be connected with
32. have to do with
33. be related to
34. be linked with
35. be concerned with
36. in space
37. search for
38. at the age of
39. have an effect on

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