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H:She was special to you.
R:I was just thinking.When I first met emma,I knew I would love her for the rest of my life.We were 12 years old.She always said we were doomed to be star-crossed lovers,destined to wonder what might have been.I never slept with her,you know.That wasn't true what I said to schuller.That was just to get under his skin,knock him off his game.
H:I understand.
R:I should have married her,though.When I left the marines,I was recruited by the bureau,spent a few years on the streets,got involved with starting the BAU.And before I knew it,a lifetime had gone by.
H:I hear you.
R:I missed a life with emma because I became obsessed with the chase.With the hunt.
H:Dave,he's threatening my family.
R:And we'll get foyet,Aaron.
H:Then what's your point?
R:You have a family.When all this is over,what are you gonna do.To make sure you're not a lonely guy wondering why you let the purest thing in your life get away.

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