早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
要求 叙述高科技的发展对人类的好的影响和坏的影响 然后谈谈对这种想象的看法 急.
要求 叙述高科技的发展对人类的好的影响和坏的影响 然后谈谈对这种想象的看法 急.
The conflict between technological development and tranditional cultures Nowadays,conflicts between technological developments and tranditional cultures accelerate in a fierce way.More and more cries for saving the traditional cultures can be heard,while others urge a more rapid technological revolution in the new millenium.So,are technology and tradition so incompatible,or is there a balance point`in where we could reserve our ancestors’ legacy as well as keep on the hi-tech development?First,we must admit that conflict between technology and tradition do exist.Urbanization and modernization sweep across the world,changing our way of cultivating corns and wheat,denouning the old way of thinking,leaving those old-day arts and handicrafts only to be seen in museums.Despite the obvious benefits of a modern life,a considerable number people call for a rescue of traditonal culture both mathrially and spiritually.But,looking deeper into the matter,we will see that this conflict is inevitable,but not fatal to either technology or traditon.In one sense,the innovation of technology is actually part of the culture we had and have.Without the four great inventions of china,it is impossible for chinese to own such a splendid and colorful tradtional culture.Also it is the advanced technology that allows us to keep those ancient art crafts and masterpieces in such a good condition.Tradition is not something already dead and weak.It is facing a big challenge,and it will gain energy and renew itself through struggle.Good things in it shall survive and grow with the new power supplied by new technology.(整理收集:英语作文网) Peole should not be so pessimistic about the future of our traditional culture.Mourning too much for things that failed to survive in this challenging world will only hinder our pace to a more refined and developed life.
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