早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Father Signature
One day, Tom went to school, first section is math. Operation of the teacher threw Tom said angrily: "Look you write operation, not a question right, your father signed to go." After school the way, Tom has been trying to figure out how to do? Suddenly, he had an idea, think of a good way, he just enter the house to his father, said: "Today I am in school these days, I want to be a game." His father agreed. Tom said: "Dad, you learn the way I do." Tom cast his eyes to write two "son", his father saw it too easy to have blindfolded, in the paper to write "father" so wrote the first three "father", my son rushed to open the book, Chapter 3, "father" just written in a notebook. That's it, Tom relieved to say: "Well, Dad, can end the game." Daddy picked scarf, self-appreciation against signing up, I watched, a bit puzzled, said to himself: " I clearly signed words, how only three of the? "Yet something must look at the way my father, Tom proudly made a face.
One day, Tom went to school, first section is math. Operation of the teacher threw Tom said angrily: "Look you write operation, not a question right, your father signed to go." After school the way, Tom has been trying to figure out how to do? Suddenly, he had an idea, think of a good way, he just enter the house to his father, said: "Today I am in school these days, I want to be a game." His father agreed. Tom said: "Dad, you learn the way I do." Tom cast his eyes to write two "son", his father saw it too easy to have blindfolded, in the paper to write "father" so wrote the first three "father", my son rushed to open the book, Chapter 3, "father" just written in a notebook. That's it, Tom relieved to say: "Well, Dad, can end the game." Daddy picked scarf, self-appreciation against signing up, I watched, a bit puzzled, said to himself: " I clearly signed words, how only three of the? "Yet something must look at the way my father, Tom proudly made a face.
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