早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


     What is your favourite colour? Do you like yellow, orange, red? 1_____. Do you prefer greys and blues?
Then you are probably quiet, shy, and you would rather follow than lead. You tend to be pessimist. At least,
this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the
meaning of colour preference, as well as the effect that colours have on human beings. 2_____. If you happen
to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly. 
     3_____. A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one;
and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. 4_____. A black bridge over the Thames
River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides (自杀) than any other bridge in the area-until it was
repainted green. The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply. Perhaps it would have fallen even
more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue. 
     5_____. It is an established fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when
their machines are painted orange rather than black or grey.
A. On the other hand, black is depressing.
B. They tell us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favourite colour as grow up - we are born with 
    our preference.
C. The rooms are painted in different colours as you like.
D. If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement.
E. Light and bright colours make people not only happier but more active.
F. Life is like a picture or a poem, full of different colours.
G. Colours do influence our moods-there is no doubt about it

1-5:D B G A E

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