早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
D&D U.S.Mao Mao-Liang Su-cream is a nutrition and health product especially designed for pets .this product contains protein,amino acids,vitamins,trace elements,minerals,unsaturated fatty acids and other nutritional minerals.It can provide requirement of pet hair,improve skin and hair,regulate metabolism,cause hair regeneration,promote fur repair,cells update,increase hair volume and reduce hair removal obviously,cause a more shiny and soft hair.In addition,it also can provide a help to sensitive skin.
Role and Purpose:To improve skin and hair,regulate metabolism,cause hair regeneration,promote fur repair,cells update,increase hair volume and reduce hair removal obviously,cause a more shiny and soft hair.In addition,it has an effectiveness of preventing dermatitis and was an adjuvant therapy for various skin diseases.It also can provide a help to sensitive skin.
USE:Add the product in food directly and uniform mixing
Juvenile dogs and cats:1-3g/kg≤20g/day
Adult and old dogs and cats:2-5g/kg≤20g/day
Note:Placed a scoop inside ,about 8-12g per scoop.
Agent:Shanghai Jun-NA Biotechnology Limited Company
D&D U.S.Mao Mao-Liang Su-cream is a nutrition and health product especially designed for pets .this product contains protein,amino acids,vitamins,trace elements,minerals,unsaturated fatty acids and other nutritional minerals.It can provide requirement of pet hair,improve skin and hair,regulate metabolism,cause hair regeneration,promote fur repair,cells update,increase hair volume and reduce hair removal obviously,cause a more shiny and soft hair.In addition,it also can provide a help to sensitive skin.
Role and Purpose:To improve skin and hair,regulate metabolism,cause hair regeneration,promote fur repair,cells update,increase hair volume and reduce hair removal obviously,cause a more shiny and soft hair.In addition,it has an effectiveness of preventing dermatitis and was an adjuvant therapy for various skin diseases.It also can provide a help to sensitive skin.
USE:Add the product in food directly and uniform mixing
Juvenile dogs and cats:1-3g/kg≤20g/day
Adult and old dogs and cats:2-5g/kg≤20g/day
Note:Placed a scoop inside ,about 8-12g per scoop.
Agent:Shanghai Jun-NA Biotechnology Limited Company
Sub Image_Obj_1(Imagename,TempFilename,FileExt)
' 读取要处理的原文件
Dim Draw_X,Draw_Y,Logobox
Draw_X = 0
Draw_Y = 0
FileExt = Lcase(FileExt)
On Error Resume Next
ImageObj.Open Trim(Server.MapPath(Imagename))
If Err Then
Exit Sub
End If
If ImageObj.OriginalWidth0 Then
Draw_X = DrawImage_X(ImageObj.OriginalWidth,Draw_ImageWidth,2)
Draw_Y = DrawImage_y(ImageObj.Originalheight,Draw_ImageHeight,2)
If Draw_Type=2 Then
Set Logobox = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
'*添加水印图片 添加时请关闭水印字体*
Logobox.Open Server.MapPath(Draw_Info)
Logobox.Width = Draw_ImageWidth '// 加入图片的原宽度
Logobox.Height = Draw_ImageHeight '// 加入图片的原高度
ImageObj.DrawImage Draw_X,Draw_Y,Logobox,Draw_Graph,Transition_Color,90 '// 加入图片的位置价坐标(添加水印图片)
'ImageObj.Sharpen 1,130 '设置锐化值:锐化半径,深度
ImageObj.Save Server.MapPath(Imagename)
Set Logobox=Nothing
ImageObj.Canvas.Font.Color = Draw_FontColor '// 文字的颜色
ImageObj.Canvas.Font.Family = Draw_FontFamily '// 文字的字体
ImageObj.Canvas.Font.Bold = Draw_FontBold
ImageObj.Canvas.Font.Size = Draw_FontSize '//字体大小
' Draw frame:black,2-pixel width
ImageObj.Canvas.Print Draw_X,Draw_Y,Draw_Info '// 加入文字的位置坐标
ImageObj.Canvas.Pen.Color = &H000000 '// 边框的颜色
ImageObj.Canvas.Pen.Width = 1 '// 边框的粗细
ImageObj.Canvas.Brush.Solid = False '// 图片边框内是否填充颜色
'ImageObj.Canvas.Bar 0,0,ImageObj.Width,ImageObj.Height '// 图片边框线的位置坐标
ImageObj.Quality=100 '设置加水印后图片的质量
ImageObj.Save Server.MapPath(Imagename)
End If
End If
If ImageObj.Width > ImageObj.height Then
ImageObj.Width = View_ImageWidth
ImageObj.Height = ViewImage_Height(ImageObj.OriginalWidth,ImageObj.Originalheight,View_ImageWidth,View_ImageHeight)
ImageObj.Width = ViewImage_Width(ImageObj.OriginalWidth,ImageObj.Originalheight,View_ImageWidth,View_ImageHeight)
ImageObj.Height = View_ImageHeight
End If
ImageObj.Sharpen 1,120
ImageObj.Save Server.MapPath(TempFilename) '// 生成预览文件
End If
End Sub
ImageObj.Open Trim(Server.MapPath(Imagename))
' 读取要处理的原文件
Dim Draw_X,Draw_Y,Logobox
Draw_X = 0
Draw_Y = 0
FileExt = Lcase(FileExt)
On Error Resume Next
ImageObj.Open Trim(Server.MapPath(Imagename))
If Err Then
Exit Sub
End If
If ImageObj.OriginalWidth0 Then
Draw_X = DrawImage_X(ImageObj.OriginalWidth,Draw_ImageWidth,2)
Draw_Y = DrawImage_y(ImageObj.Originalheight,Draw_ImageHeight,2)
If Draw_Type=2 Then
Set Logobox = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
'*添加水印图片 添加时请关闭水印字体*
Logobox.Open Server.MapPath(Draw_Info)
Logobox.Width = Draw_ImageWidth '// 加入图片的原宽度
Logobox.Height = Draw_ImageHeight '// 加入图片的原高度
ImageObj.DrawImage Draw_X,Draw_Y,Logobox,Draw_Graph,Transition_Color,90 '// 加入图片的位置价坐标(添加水印图片)
'ImageObj.Sharpen 1,130 '设置锐化值:锐化半径,深度
ImageObj.Save Server.MapPath(Imagename)
Set Logobox=Nothing
ImageObj.Canvas.Font.Color = Draw_FontColor '// 文字的颜色
ImageObj.Canvas.Font.Family = Draw_FontFamily '// 文字的字体
ImageObj.Canvas.Font.Bold = Draw_FontBold
ImageObj.Canvas.Font.Size = Draw_FontSize '//字体大小
' Draw frame:black,2-pixel width
ImageObj.Canvas.Print Draw_X,Draw_Y,Draw_Info '// 加入文字的位置坐标
ImageObj.Canvas.Pen.Color = &H000000 '// 边框的颜色
ImageObj.Canvas.Pen.Width = 1 '// 边框的粗细
ImageObj.Canvas.Brush.Solid = False '// 图片边框内是否填充颜色
'ImageObj.Canvas.Bar 0,0,ImageObj.Width,ImageObj.Height '// 图片边框线的位置坐标
ImageObj.Quality=100 '设置加水印后图片的质量
ImageObj.Save Server.MapPath(Imagename)
End If
End If
If ImageObj.Width > ImageObj.height Then
ImageObj.Width = View_ImageWidth
ImageObj.Height = ViewImage_Height(ImageObj.OriginalWidth,ImageObj.Originalheight,View_ImageWidth,View_ImageHeight)
ImageObj.Width = ViewImage_Width(ImageObj.OriginalWidth,ImageObj.Originalheight,View_ImageWidth,View_ImageHeight)
ImageObj.Height = View_ImageHeight
End If
ImageObj.Sharpen 1,120
ImageObj.Save Server.MapPath(TempFilename) '// 生成预览文件
End If
End Sub
ImageObj.Open Trim(Server.MapPath(Imagename))
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