早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
那些欧洲人会制造枪,他们征服那些土著人就比较容易了.(now that,conquer)
正当人们准备把罪犯送往公安局时,警察赶到了.(on the point of)
正是由于蜜蜂能够用一种特殊的语言来传递信息,科学家们才十分感兴趣.(it is because.that)
那位猎人同意放走那只天鹅,条件是你必须付给他五十元钱.(on condition that...)
那些欧洲人会制造枪,他们征服那些土著人就比较容易了.(now that,conquer)
正当人们准备把罪犯送往公安局时,警察赶到了.(on the point of)
正是由于蜜蜂能够用一种特殊的语言来传递信息,科学家们才十分感兴趣.(it is because.that)
那位猎人同意放走那只天鹅,条件是你必须付给他五十元钱.(on condition that...)
Now that those Europeans could manufacture guns,it would be much easier for them to conquer the native tribes.
The policemen arrived just when the people were on the point of taking the criminals to the police station.
During the course of development of history,scientific technology played an important role.
It is because bees can make use a special language to pass on information that arouse the interest of the scientists.
The hunter agreed to release the swan on condition that you pay him fifty yuan.
The policemen arrived just when the people were on the point of taking the criminals to the police station.
During the course of development of history,scientific technology played an important role.
It is because bees can make use a special language to pass on information that arouse the interest of the scientists.
The hunter agreed to release the swan on condition that you pay him fifty yuan.
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