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SO9001质量管理体系的八项原则 英文版
这八项质量管理原则形成了ISO 9000族质量管理体系标准的基础
1, customer focus: organizations depend on their customers. Therefore, the organization should understand current and future customer needs, meet customer and strive to exceed customer expectations.
2, leadership: leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They should create and maintain the staff can fully involved in achieving the organization's objectives of internal environment.
3, full participation: personnel at all levels is to organize this, only their full participation, to make their abilities to be used for the organization's benefit.
Methods: 4, activities and related resources are managed as a process, can be more efficient to get the desired results.
Method 5, management: identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as system, efficiency and effectiveness will help the organization achieve its goals.
6: continuous improvement, continuous improvement of the organization's overall performance should be a permanent objective of the organization.
7, factual approach to decision making: effective decisions are based on data and information analysis based on.
8, mutually beneficial supplier relationships: an organization and its suppliers are interdependent, mutually beneficial relationship can enhance the ability to create value for both parties.
The eight quality management principles form the basis for the ISO 9000 quality management system standard

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