早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Creating a Green Campus
要求:1)建设绿色校园十分重要 2)绿色校园不仅指绿色的环境...3)为了建设绿色校园,我们应该...
Creating a green campus is very important and necessary for everyone who is in school.
Green campus includes two aspects..On the one hand,it means green living environment,which is beneficial to students' health.One the other hand,it means good academic environment.The favorable academic environment is helpful to improve students' psychological quality and stimulate their study enthusiasm.
We students can do a lot of things to creat a green campus.From the point of academic environment,we should "Good good study,day day up" and get along well with people,including our classmates,roommates and teachers.
Creating a Green Campus
要求:1)建设绿色校园十分重要 2)绿色校园不仅指绿色的环境...3)为了建设绿色校园,我们应该...
Creating a green campus is very important and necessary for everyone who is in school.
Green campus includes two aspects..On the one hand,it means green living environment,which is beneficial to students' health.One the other hand,it means good academic environment.The favorable academic environment is helpful to improve students' psychological quality and stimulate their study enthusiasm.
We students can do a lot of things to creat a green campus.From the point of academic environment,we should "Good good study,day day up" and get along well with people,including our classmates,roommates and teachers.
On the one hand 换成for one thing ,for another that would be better
important can be replaced by advanced words like indispensible ,significant
important can be replaced by advanced words like indispensible ,significant
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