早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Dear Yin Jie ,
We have a birthday party on this weekend.We will meet at Shin-Chun and have dinner together.The party will be start at my friend's home.My friend is Korean.So we can practice Korean with her.The dinner will be at 6:00pm.So we will meet at the Shin-Chun subway station at 5:30pm.
The dinner will be grand.We will not eat rice.So we will eat Japanese food.Such as my favor suchi,sashimi,deep fried chicken and so on...There is no vegetable.So we will eat much fresh fruit.and we will drink some wine,and then we will eat birthday cake.It will be a great birthday party,expect that you will be come.
Dear Yin Jie ,
We have a birthday party on this weekend.We will meet at Shin-Chun and have dinner together.The party will be start at my friend's home.My friend is Korean.So we can practice Korean with her.The dinner will be at 6:00pm.So we will meet at the Shin-Chun subway station at 5:30pm.
The dinner will be grand.We will not eat rice.So we will eat Japanese food.Such as my favor suchi,sashimi,deep fried chicken and so on...There is no vegetable.So we will eat much fresh fruit.and we will drink some wine,and then we will eat birthday cake.It will be a great birthday party,expect that you will be come.
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