早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1)My dream When I was two or three years old I didn’t go to sleep So my Daddy told me two stories daily I knew a lot of fairy tales Some night I dreamed many beautiful things Time passes by I am a pupil of Grade Four I have a new dream now Do you want to know it? It’s an angle in white She can’t fly but she can save patient’s life My new dream is to be a doctor in the future I have to study hard to prepare for my dream A dream is a dream but I believe in myself May my dream come true! (2)My Dream When I was a child My dream was in the sky When I grew up I lowered my head, walked in a hurry To look for my dream But I cannot find the direaction of my dream I was tired,I lied down Watched the blue sky I found at last suddenly that My dream was in the sky! I stood up immediatly Walking in a hurry Looking for my dream Going on

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