早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
走着走着,突然,我看到了一个飞碟停在我的后花园中,我完全不相信我的眼睛,以为是错觉,仔细一看,原来一切都是真的.飞碟中正有一个长得非常奇怪的外星人走出来并且缓缓向我走来,当他走到我的面前时,对我说:“Now,I'm taking you to a new place."然后拉着我来到了飞碟中,不一会儿,飞碟启动了,我顺着飞碟的窗户往外看,看到飞碟已飞出地球,环行在火星与月球之间,很快到达了目的地,然而这是我已经感到睡眼惺忪,这个外星人拿着手电筒照着我,我用手捂住眼睛缓缓地睁开双眼看了看.原来是一场梦啊
走着走着,突然,我看到了一个飞碟停在我的后花园中,我完全不相信我的眼睛,以为是错觉,仔细一看,原来一切都是真的.飞碟中正有一个长得非常奇怪的外星人走出来并且缓缓向我走来,当他走到我的面前时,对我说:“Now,I'm taking you to a new place."然后拉着我来到了飞碟中,不一会儿,飞碟启动了,我顺着飞碟的窗户往外看,看到飞碟已飞出地球,环行在火星与月球之间,很快到达了目的地,然而这是我已经感到睡眼惺忪,这个外星人拿着手电筒照着我,我用手捂住眼睛缓缓地睁开双眼看了看.原来是一场梦啊
额.俺翻译 作文 阅读这些长篇的东西也不咋好的说.
I walk and walk and suddenly see a flying saucer which stops right in my back garden.
I can't believe what I see and just think it is my illusion.However,it turns out that it is all real
when I have a careful look at it.An ET who looks pretty strange is going out of the flying saucer and walking towards me.When he finally comes to me,he says ," Now,I'm taking you to a new place." After saying that,he leads me to the flying saucer and immediately it starts.I look out of the window from the flying saucer .What I see is that it has already flied off the earth,circling between the Mars and the moon.It doesn't take much time for us to reach the
destination.However,I have been very sleepy at this moment.The ET is holding a flashlight towards me,so I have to cover my eyes with my hands.Slowly I open my eyes and have a look.Oh,it turns out that all is just a dream.
I walk and walk and suddenly see a flying saucer which stops right in my back garden.
I can't believe what I see and just think it is my illusion.However,it turns out that it is all real
when I have a careful look at it.An ET who looks pretty strange is going out of the flying saucer and walking towards me.When he finally comes to me,he says ," Now,I'm taking you to a new place." After saying that,he leads me to the flying saucer and immediately it starts.I look out of the window from the flying saucer .What I see is that it has already flied off the earth,circling between the Mars and the moon.It doesn't take much time for us to reach the
destination.However,I have been very sleepy at this moment.The ET is holding a flashlight towards me,so I have to cover my eyes with my hands.Slowly I open my eyes and have a look.Oh,it turns out that all is just a dream.
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