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大学前这空闲的一年gap year,一些同学想工作体验生活,一些想旅游,一些……。最后告诉他你
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Dear Dad
     My mum and I are glad that everything is OK with you.
One possible version: Dear Dad      My Mum and I are very glad that everything is OK with you.      As you know I will graduate from my high school and a gap year is expected soon. The senior students around me are so excited to have their own free time that they couldn't wait to make plans for the year. Some friends tell me that they want to find a job from which they can earn some money for college and get some experience of society while some are going to travel for relaxation.      I have been thinking about how to spend my gap year for months. Until now I have decided that I want to be a volunteer-one who can help out in a community or a service office for a neighborhood. As a saying you often tell me "To give is more important than to get" goes I am ready to do something for society. Your advice is worth considering well.      I am expecting for your letter!                                                                                                                                                Yours                                                                                                                                                 Ben