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“Mommy look!” cried my daughter Darla pointing to a chicken hawk in the air.

“Uh huh ” I answered driving lost in thought about the timetable of my day.

  1   filled her face.

“What’s the matter sweetheart?” I asked.

“Nothing ” my seven-year-old daughter said. The moment was gone.

Dinner baths and phone calls   2   the hours until bedtime.

“Come on Darla time for bed!” She raced past me up the stairs. Tired I kissed her and tucked her in.

“Mom I forgot to give you something!” she said.

“Give it to me in the morning.” I said. My   3   was gone. I could hardly stay cool.

“You won’t have time in the morning!” she talked back quickly.

“I’ll take time ” I answered. Sometimes no matter how hard I tried time was never enough.

She wasn’t ready to   4   up yet. “No you won’t! It will be just like today when I told you to look at the chicken hawk. You didn’t   5   listen to what I said.”

I was too tired to argue; she hit too   6   to the truth. “Good night!” I shut her door in anger.

Later though her gray-blue eyes filled my vision as I thought about how little time we really had until she was grown and gone. My husband asked me what was going on and I told him. 

“Maybe she was not asleep yet. Why don’t you   7  ?” he said.

I followed his advice   8   it was my own idea. I opened her door gently. In Darla’s hand I could see her paper all crumpled (弄皱的) up. She had torn into small pieces a big red heart with a poem she had written titled “Why I Love My Mother?”

Why I Love My Mother

Although you’re busy and you work so hard

You always take time to play with me

I love you Mommy

Because I am the biggest part of your busy day!

Tears filled my eyes. When I softly touched her face she awakened from a dreamless sleep and asked “Why are you   9  Mommy?”

“You ARE the most important part of my busy day!”

She smiled and then went back to sleep not really understanding how strongly I   10  what I said.

1. A. Disappointment     B. Worries           C. Fear               D. Enjoyment

2. A. cost                      B. filled                C. lasted              D. took

3. A. belief                    B. attitude            C. attention          D. patience

4. A. give                      B. build                C. call                 D. clear

5. A. just                     B. even                  C. yet                 D. almost

6. A. heavily                B. badly                C. close              D. hard

7. A. watch                 B. exam                C. test                 D. check

8. A. realizing              B. thinking             C. wishing           D. guessing

9. A. crying                 B. laughing            C. shouting          D. touching

10. A. considered        B. expressed        C. inferred           D. meant


1. A   2. B   3. D  4. A  5. B   6. C   7. D   8. C  9. A  10. D  


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