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The Teens & Self-Image survey organized by USA WEEKEND attracted an unprecedented (空前的)272 400. The majority of teens say they feel good about themselves but many express misgivings(疑虑) about who they are especially about their appearance.
    The results show that looks are key. Only 4 in 10 respondents consider themselves attractive. Half the girls want to lose weight. It is found that problems typically associated with girls are now becoming more visible in boys. Teen respondents believe good looks matter when it comes to personal achievement specifically making friends winning the respect of others and succeeding in life.
    Teens find lots of imperfections. Almost 85 percent cite ways they’d like to improve. After losing weight and toning up (健美) the top three are their grades doing better in sports and having a better relationship with their parents. Only 15 percent like themselves “the way I am.”
    Faith is central in many students’ everyday lives. When asked about the most important influence in their lives survey respondents picked religion second only to their parents.
    Depression is common. More than half say they occasionally are “really depressed”; 1 in 5 often feel despondent (沮丧的). And 1 in 3 have friends who have talked about or actually tried to commit suicide―the third leading cause of death among 15 to 24-year-olds. Last year about 2 000 teens committed suicide and the rate of adolescent suicide has greatly increased in the past 10 years studies show.
    Teens show a healthy self-respect. Asked to choose from a list of qualities 8 in 10 say they are kind 3 in 4 say they are honest and 7 in 10 say they have a good sense of humor. Slightly more than 6 in 10 say they are smart self-confident or creative. Least admired of a dozen qualities they were asked to rank: being popular rich or tough.

49.Which one of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.      Looks And Imperfections of American Teenagers

B.      Faiths And Depression of American teenagers

C.      Looks And Self-respect of American Teenagers

D.     Self-image of American Teenagers

50.   What has the greatest effect on American students’ daily lives according to the survey?

A. Religion.          B. Their parents.          C. Imperfections.                D. Depression.

51.   Teenagers believe that    plays an important part in making friends winning the respect of others and succeeding in life.

   A. faith                        B. appearance              C. ability                    D. depression

52.   Which of the following is TRUE according to the survey?

A. Almost all teens are satisfied with themselves.

B. What teenagers would like to improve most is their grades.

C. The results show only 15% students are satisfied with themselves.

D. American teenagers admire being popular rich or tough very much.
