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Recently,we made a survey about whether the parents agree that they are proud of their children.The result shows that 80% of parents are proud of their children while only 60% of children hold the same opinion.According to the survey,we can conclude that the number of parents who approved the idea is 20% more than of children.(描述调研数据)
There seems to be two causes as we tried to figure out what led to this subtle difference.【高分句型一】First,conservative Chinese parents are never accustomed to conveying directly how much they are proud of their children.This tendency to conceal feelings hardly helps children develop a strong sense of self-confidence.(原因一)Second,the current education system excessively emphasizes the value of academic performance,thus forcing children to extensively believe that only by achieving excellent scores can they make their parents proud.【高分句型二】This bias unfairly undermines the significance of talents for art and sports,which easily frustrates children and renders them more likely to underestimate themselves.【高分句型三】(原因二)
Without the genuine encouragement from parents and the reversal of exam-oriented educational methods,a kid would never end up with a positive grown-up.(结论)

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