早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




     There was a tiger in the forest. All the other animals there were afraid of him. They 16 away as quickly as possible when they saw him. So he had no friends and he al?ways felt 17 Once he caught a wolf and a fox but he was 18 that day and didnH want to eat them. So he de?cided to make friends with them. The two animals were happy and agreed with him at once.

       It was a 19 day. The forest was covered with thick snow. It was 20 for the three animals to find food. They were all hungry. When the 21 went down in the west they went to a village and carried a sheep a dog and a duck away.

       “How shall we divide the animals among us Mr Wolf?” asked the tiger.

       “ The sheep is the 22 and heaviest of the three ” said the wolf. “ Of course it’ll belong to you. Mr Fox is the 23 of us he can eat the duck and I'll eat the dog. ”

       It made the tiger angry and he killed the wolf at once. Then he went on asking “ How shall we divide them 24 us Mr Fox?”

       “That’s easy Mr Tiger ” answered the fox. “You’ll eat the duck for breakfast eat the dog for lunch and eat the sheep for supper.”

       “How 25 you are!Who taught it to you?”

       Looking at the dead wolf the fox said sadly “You Mr Tiger!”

   16.A. flew   B. walked    C.ran   D. jumped

   17.A. lonely   B. sad    C. strange   D. happy

   18.A. pleased   B. sorry    C. hungry   D. full

   19.A. spring   B. summer    C. autumn   D. winter

   20.A. lucky   B. easy    C. difficult   D. possible

   21.A. sun   B. earth    C. moon   D. star

   22.A. fatter   B. fattest    C. thinner   D. thinnest

   23.A. bigger   B. biggest    C. smaller   D. smallest

   24.A. during   B. in    C. between   D. about

   25.A. able   B. bad    C.kind   D. clever 

16.C 17.A 18.D 19.D 20.C 21.A 22.B 23.D 24.C 25.D

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