早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




      People make many different kinds of houses around the world.Weather tells us what kind of house we need to make.

      In hot places such as south China and south America the weather is warm so people can be outside most of the time. But they still need to keep themselves safe from the sun rain and insects.Houses in such places can have screens on their windows and doors. They let the wind into the houses but keep out the insects.

      In Canada north China and other cold places houses need to keep out the cold and keep in the heat.These houses need thick walls.If there is a lot of snow the roofs (屋顶) need to let the snow fall off easily.These houses cannot have flat roofs.The roofs must also be strong so they can hold a lot of snow.

      What kind of house do you live in? Is it good for the weather you have?


76. Can people be outside most of the time in south China?

77. We make houses according to (根据) it and it tells us what kind of house we need to make. What is it?

78. Why do houses in hot places have screens on windows and doors?

79. What’s the title of the passage?

80. Is your house good for the weather you have?

76. Yes they can.77. 1t’sweather.78. Because people need to keep themselves safe from the sun rain and insects.79. Weather and houses.80. Yes it is./No it isn’t.

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