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The Internal Audit was produced by the devoloped coutries.No matter on theory or practice,they had deep research and summary.And they can put it into practice.So the planning model of the devoloped country's companies is ripe.
The start of our country's Internal Audit was later than others and it grow slowly.Our country was joined the WTO lately.The speed of economical devoloping was grow faster,the economical action became international,the Internal Audit of our own country was grow fast,we hace certain number of organizition and people,it works on the defend of economy and disciplines,the improving of economic manage and benefit.
On the other side we should see more,the problem of company's internal audit still exist.It expressed on the recognise,position,and the attainment of the people and so on.
Now,the model of the internal audit of international companies is tending to the same.Our companies was on the background of the New Accounting Norm and The International Financial Report Norm tending to the same.
What should we do to use the successful experience of foreign company for reference to devolop our model to a ripe standard.
This Article will gives a deeply discuss.
内部审计 Internal Audit
财经法纪 economy and disciplines
新的企业会计准则体系与国际财务报告准则 the New Accounting Norm and The International Financial Report Norm

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