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要课外读物的阅读心得 200字 不要太深奥哦~能帮我的就帮一下吧.答得好
要课外读物的阅读心得 200字 不要太深奥哦~能帮我的就帮一下吧.答得好
Shielded by a cocoon of unreality,I sat on the train rushing through the freezing rain and howling wind back to my school.Time,goes the ancient adage,flies by during immense joy.My ending summer vacation proves to be another testament to this immutable truth.It seemed only like days ago when I came home to visit my family in a remote village.The sky was crisp cool blue,stark sunlight shining,illumninating the autumn day.Excitement and burning enthusiasm writhed inside me as I walked the familiar streets,with a sense of nostalgia wrapped around me.My parents were waiting for me after the exhausting school year.Mother was kind,as I remembered,Father had few more streaks of gray in his hair since I had left.I spent the summer visiting old places,the lake,the hills,and the gravel lane.The air was sweet,rich with melodies of birds and the smell of waking earth,seasoned with the lake breeze and the shrilling of gulls.July faded imperceptibly into August,accompanied by the warm sunlight and the breeze."嗡嗡嗡!" The sound of horn of the train as it rolled into the station woke me out of my reverie,I stepped off the train with a swarm of strangers,and walked on to another school year.
Shielded by a cocoon of unreality,I sat on the train rushing through the freezing rain and howling wind back to my school.Time,goes the ancient adage,flies by during immense joy.My ending summer vacation proves to be another testament to this immutable truth.It seemed only like days ago when I came home to visit my family in a remote village.The sky was crisp cool blue,stark sunlight shining,illumninating the autumn day.Excitement and burning enthusiasm writhed inside me as I walked the familiar streets,with a sense of nostalgia wrapped around me.My parents were waiting for me after the exhausting school year.Mother was kind,as I remembered,Father had few more streaks of gray in his hair since I had left.I spent the summer visiting old places,the lake,the hills,and the gravel lane.The air was sweet,rich with melodies of birds and the smell of waking earth,seasoned with the lake breeze and the shrilling of gulls.July faded imperceptibly into August,accompanied by the warm sunlight and the breeze."嗡嗡嗡!" The sound of horn of the train as it rolled into the station woke me out of my reverie,I stepped off the train with a swarm of strangers,and walked on to another school year.
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