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写一篇英语书信(在大学里写给朋友关于你在这的生活.) 急
Dear Leroy,
You sent me a letter and asked what about my college life,I have think it for a long time,now I get an answer.When I just started my college life,My soul said to me :without the experience of living in the dormitory,your college life will not be perfect;without experience of taking part in many communities,your college life will not be wonderful.With reasons above,although I'm a local people,I live in the dormitory;Although I am a negtive person,I joined in a lot of activities and became a member of the Students' Union ,Campus Radiostation and English Salon.I have lived in the dormitory for a year,I formed a very steady relationship with my roommates.Because I am the oldest one,so I played a role as a leader.I took charge of everything,sometimes I even feel myself just like a baby sitter,funny,isn't it?and it certainly made me felt so tired,but on the other hand,I gained the ability of balancing human relationship and how to manange it ,so I think it is worth to spend 4 years in my dormitory.Meanwhile,after ups and downs in the communities ,I became a host and participated in many activities.Although I formed a hard will and strong confidence.but everything has two sides,I lost time which I should spend for study,I also paid a big price in my exams.
How time filies!A year had gone,I am not a fresh man any more .Time change ,so I change,now I still living in the dormitory,but I quited from the Students' Union and Campus Radiostation.I admit that I really love to work there,but I have to quit and save more time for my study,I have to quit the dream to become an excellent broadcastor .,all of that is because I know what is more important to me!So,finally I understand what I have benefited from the first year of my college life.That is the skills of dealing with human realtionship and knowing the what is give up.Which are two of the most important lessons that I can enjoy all my life!My friend,I miss you ,you must have some words want to share with me ,I will waiting for your reply.

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