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账户审查 哪位老大帮帮忙
Hello, We are conducting a review of your selling account. To complete our review, we need to verify your testing documentation for these items. Please write to pq-review@amazon.com with the following information: - Copies of your purchase orders, receipts, or invoices- Testing documentation showing that these products have been tested for consumer safety. You may obscure pricing information on any purchase orders, receipts, or invoices you send. We ask that you do not obscure any other portion of these documents. Account reviews support our commitment to improving the customer experience. These reviews are intended to ensure the timely shipment of orders, compliance with our selling policies, and the mutual success of buyers and sellers in the Amazon Marketplace. Thank you for selling on Amazon.com.
Hello, We are conducting a review of your selling account. To complete our review, we need to verify your testing documentation for these items. Please write to pq-review@amazon.com with the following information: - Copies of your purchase orders, receipts, or invoices- Testing documentation showing that these products have been tested for consumer safety. You may obscure pricing information on any purchase orders, receipts, or invoices you send. We ask that you do not obscure any other portion of these documents. Account reviews support our commitment to improving the customer experience. These reviews are intended to ensure the timely shipment of orders, compliance with our selling policies, and the mutual success of buyers and sellers in the Amazon Marketplace. Thank you for selling on Amazon.com.
全球开店最近好像经常遇到这个情况。1.Copies of your purchase orders, receipts, or invoices 提交单据,扫描文档就好。2. Testing documentation showing that these products have been tested for consumer safety. 这个应该是你有带电池的产品,你提供CE测试报告和证书的PDF文档。按要求提供就可以了。 查看更多答案>>
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