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The great debate continues about should students have to wear school uniforms? There is no definitive answer as it entirely depends upon the persons beliefs. There are benefits for some children who wear uniforms and disadvantages to others.
The main reason schools in America choose not to allow their students to wear their own clothes is because of the gangs. Having a uniform stops gang members from displaying their colours and garb. The schools also believe it helps stop violence and helps instill a sense of pride in the students. It also helps to break down the barriers between different socioeconomic groups.
Below are some opinions taken from a messageboard regarding the issue:
"I feel we should keep to the uniform. It sets an example of the school. It is representation the community. It is easy to point out different people. Also there would be more fights/bullly's due to the lack of 'fashion'. "
" Many schools throughout the U.S. force students grades kindergarten through twelfth to wear uniforms. Students who attend public schools should have to wear uniforms for four reasons.
1. School uniforms help establishing students' individuality. Young people often express their feelings through the clothing that they wear, if they keep focusing on this kind of hehavior, then they'll miss the other part of individuality establishment, Uniforms will take away this form of expression and help the student with their other part, so why shouldn't school do that?
2. A school uniform policy activate a student's eagerness of freedom of choice. when school boards make students wear what they told them to, the students want the difference more.
3. There is the issue of cost. Many parents shop for their children's clothes at fashion and brand stores. Uniforms can cost less money than these cloth. Also, these students wouldn't need to buy more additional clothing to wear after school and on the weekends. because students spent the most of time at school.
4. The last reason I do enjoy the thought of school uniforms is comfort. as we all know, students often prefer appearance to comfort, Uniforms are not necessarily good looking but comfortably design. Also, wearing a uniform might make the student a school boy looking so that the people deal with him will always be softer and this make the student comfortable around people outside the school.
If we want individuality, freedom, and comfort for students while keeping costs down for families, we should have a school uniform policy for students who attend public schools. "
" In my opinion, right up to year 18 students/kids should have to wear school uniform, it stops all the arguments about who has the latest fashions etc.
just when you reach college it or step into the society it should stop, because by then your old enough to know not to take the pee out of what people wear.

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