早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Exercise 5
1.possessed 2.property 3.delicious 4.delight 5.harvest 6.
7.buried 8.requests 9.hunt 10.nodded 11.delay 12.hide
Exercise 6
1.send for 2.to be sure 3.time and time again 4.all his life 5.
sent away
6.dig up 7.set to 8.day after day 9.pick out 10.in answer to
11.were carried away
Exercise 7
1.but because we do not have time
2.but because his mother asked him to
3.not because he had no experience
4.not because she failed in an examination
5.not because we like the party,but because we want to say think you
to him
Exercise 8
1.This is the most delicious Chinese food I have yet had.
2.This is the most difficult exercise he has yet done.
3.This is the most beautiful music we have yet heard.
4.This is the most interesting game she has yet played.
5.This is the best way they have yet tried.
Exercise 9
1.Seeing that the old man was dying,the neighbors sent for a doctor
without any delay
2.A beautiful orchard requires hard work like watering,digging up the
weeds,picking out the stones day after day,but the time for harvest
always makes one happy.
3.He had been rich all his life,but he never took much delight in the
property he possessed.
4.During the hunt,time and time again they thought they had found
the treasure buried underground,but in the end,they actually found
5.In answer to the merchant’s request,the restaurant sent away the
other guests and set to preparing delicious food just for him.
6.“M ay I carry away these old newspapers?” the worker asked.“To be
sure,” he nodded his head.
Exercise 14
1.fortune 2.were amazed 3.had been cheated 4.exchange 5.
6.content 7.seized 8.behavior 9.earned 10.extra
11.spare 12.replace
Exercise 15
1.agree to 2.have eaten my fill 3.care for 4.Long,long ago
5.Once more 6.settle down 7.was reminded of 8.straight
1.courage 2.attended 3.quit 4.injuries 5.overcome 6.
7.debating 8.kindness 9.realized 10.race 11.worth 12.
Exercise 6
1.mistake for 2.in pain 3.happened 4.turned around 5.
tracked down
6.make a difference 7.prepare for 8.sure enough 9.even if
10.fall behind
Exercise 7
1.as interesting as the one I read last week
2.as beautiful as the one you saw in his office
3.just as advanced as the one John bought yesterday
4.just as well-known as the one who won the prize last year
5.as large as the one Mary attended
6.as difficult as the one he passed last year
Exercise 8
1.How nice it would be if you could stay a bit longer!
2.If I were you,I would certainly accept the job.
3.What would Nancy say if I asked her?
4.What would you do if you were in his place?
Exercise 9
1.As a matter of fact,she had debated whether or not she should go
2.This is the most touching film I have ever seen.
3.I limped towards the classroom where I bumped into Tom.
4.He married Alice not because she was beautiful,but because she was
5.The level of a student is not only measured in his marks but also in
his ability to solve problems.
6.The happiest people are not always the people who have a lot of
money,but the people who are ready to help others.
Exercise 10
1.is 2.were 3.needs 4.is 5.was
6.is 7.is 8.does 9.were 10.was
Exercise 13
1.belief 2.faith 3.rocked 4.badly 5.explosion
6.attend 7.recommended 8.recover 9.forced 10.determined
Exercise 14
1.a number of 2.instill in 3.cleaned out
4.burned out 5.throw away

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