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求Who moved my cheese 书之前的评论“Praise for spencer johnson's books” 图书出版信息及序言的中文翻译!
This book stands out from the usual crop of books on
leadership,organizational change,and resilience.The centerpiece of
the book is a dozen bold,even bald,realities about people and
organizations—bold because the realities challenge conventional wisdom
about how to lead organizational change; bald because the realities lay
bare for public exposure and dialog "things we already know but do not
want to talk about." My passion
in this book is to help leaders lead others to achieve mutually agreed
upon goals,grounded in moral purpose,that take the organization to a
higher level in the face of adversity.But my firm
belief is that we cannot get there by resurrecting the usual checklist
of optimistic,rational strategies deemed necessary to bring about
culture change.And we cannot get there by quick fixes.Despite the fact
that Who Moved My Cheese?was
the top-selling business book three years in a row,checklists and
quick fixes are recipes for disaster.To illustrate the point,think
back on your entire career and try to list examples of culture change
that were initiated from within your organization,designed to
affect the norms and values of the organization,and were successfully
implemented for at least six years.How long is your list?
By confronting statements like the one above,you may find this book
hazardous to your sense of optimism but,paradoxically,a boost to your
sense of hope.Vaclav Havel (1993) defines optimism as the belief that
things will turn out as you would like.Hope,on the other hand,is the
belief in yourself that causes you to fight for what is right,just,and
reasonable irrespective of the outcomes.So when it comes to
confronting the harsh realities of leading culture change,this book
offers hope.
This book is for you if you are a leader of change initiatives.
By applying the concepts and strategies in this book,you increase the
batting average of seeing your change initiatives successfully
implemented and sustained over time.Throughout the book I emphasize
that leaders are not just those who hold
an official leadership title.Some of the most significant examples of
leading culture change occur by those of you in teacher leader roles and
other informal roles of influence.
This book is for you if you are a manager of change initiatives
launched by someone else.Under these conditions,you face the
formidable task to make something work that was not your idea in the
first place.The concepts and skills described in this book will help
you make it work.
This book is for you if you are on the receiving end of change
initiatives.As you come to a greater understanding of the harsh
realities and the nature of how true culture change happens,you will
have a deeper sense of how you can be meaningfully a part of the change
you are expected to implement.
Finally,this book is for you if you find yourself in the
predicament of having to lead,manage,or implement culture change
imposed on you by outside forces.One person’s or group’s initiative is
another person’s or group’s imposition.Many school leaders like you
find that they are so consumed by wrestling with imposed change,they
never have the time to lead their own culture change initiatives.In Coming Even Cleaner about Organizational Change you will learn how to engage in "and" thinking,that is,how you can work within the reality of an imposed change and be true to the values of the change initiatives you hold as an educational leader.
In summary,if you are prepared for honest,candid discussion about
things you already know and do not want to talk about,and if you are
prepared to apply the concepts in this book to increase the odds of
successfully implementing culture change,then be prepared for increased
hope that you can do what is right,just,and reasonable irrespective
of the outcomes.