早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
帮忙把句子按照顺序 英文高手请进 二十分
我给的句子有排数字 用数字 按照顺续 把句子排列给我
以下是 essay 格式
1.introduce paragraph
2.body paragraph - first idea
3.body paragraph - transition to second idea
4.body paragraph - transition to third idea
5.conclusion paragraph
1.I want to write about a great trip I took last summer
2.I went to Ireland with my grandmother
3.In Ireland ,we saw lots of beautiful sights
4.We also ate lots of delicious food
5.Even on the bus ,we met people who were talking cheerfully to each other no grim unhappy faces on the bus,like at home.
6.And they weren’t just friendly to each other!
7.One day ,Gram and I got horribly lost,and this nice lady walked us all the way back to our hotel
8.Best of all.We met some great irish people.
9.It seemed like everywhere we went ,people were singing and laughing
10.Although I don’t really know if I have irish roots,I would be proud if I did!Irish people are surely some of the nicest in the whole world.
11.To sum it up:I had a wonderful vacation in Ireland
12.But although the sights and the food were great,the best thing about Ireland was definitely the friendly and helpful irish people.
13.The Giant’s Causeway was really made by volcanoes,not by giants!
14.We saw natural wonders like the Giant’s Causeway
15.Though I enjoyed the contemporary buildings in Dublin,I preferred the romantic castles.
16.Of course,Ireland also has gorgeous manmade sights,from modern architecture to historic castles.
17.I enjoyed seeing all the natural green beauty as well as the architectural developments.
18.I was really excited when I got to kiss the Blarney Stone at Blarney Castle,which means from now on I will be a good storyteller!
19.An Irish breakfast includes sausages,eggs,bacon,mushrooms,and tomatoes.
20.Potatoes are an important part of the Irish diet and Irish history
21.This was the only meal we ate everyday that didn’t include potatoes.
22.Ireland has many beautiful things to see.
23.I had fun tasting the food,from filling breakfasts to comforting potatoes.
24.I can start my storytelling by telling you the truth about irish food:it’s fantastic
25.We started each morning in Ireland with a traditional breakfast.
26.The potato dish I liked the most was called Champs :potatoes and spring onions.
27.I’d never eaten champs before,but it tasted like home to me.
28.Based on my nonstop appetite for champs,I suspect I have some Irish blood!
一号回答者 请问这是你自己亲手回答的?
我给的句子有排数字 用数字 按照顺续 把句子排列给我
以下是 essay 格式
1.introduce paragraph
2.body paragraph - first idea
3.body paragraph - transition to second idea
4.body paragraph - transition to third idea
5.conclusion paragraph
1.I want to write about a great trip I took last summer
2.I went to Ireland with my grandmother
3.In Ireland ,we saw lots of beautiful sights
4.We also ate lots of delicious food
5.Even on the bus ,we met people who were talking cheerfully to each other no grim unhappy faces on the bus,like at home.
6.And they weren’t just friendly to each other!
7.One day ,Gram and I got horribly lost,and this nice lady walked us all the way back to our hotel
8.Best of all.We met some great irish people.
9.It seemed like everywhere we went ,people were singing and laughing
10.Although I don’t really know if I have irish roots,I would be proud if I did!Irish people are surely some of the nicest in the whole world.
11.To sum it up:I had a wonderful vacation in Ireland
12.But although the sights and the food were great,the best thing about Ireland was definitely the friendly and helpful irish people.
13.The Giant’s Causeway was really made by volcanoes,not by giants!
14.We saw natural wonders like the Giant’s Causeway
15.Though I enjoyed the contemporary buildings in Dublin,I preferred the romantic castles.
16.Of course,Ireland also has gorgeous manmade sights,from modern architecture to historic castles.
17.I enjoyed seeing all the natural green beauty as well as the architectural developments.
18.I was really excited when I got to kiss the Blarney Stone at Blarney Castle,which means from now on I will be a good storyteller!
19.An Irish breakfast includes sausages,eggs,bacon,mushrooms,and tomatoes.
20.Potatoes are an important part of the Irish diet and Irish history
21.This was the only meal we ate everyday that didn’t include potatoes.
22.Ireland has many beautiful things to see.
23.I had fun tasting the food,from filling breakfasts to comforting potatoes.
24.I can start my storytelling by telling you the truth about irish food:it’s fantastic
25.We started each morning in Ireland with a traditional breakfast.
26.The potato dish I liked the most was called Champs :potatoes and spring onions.
27.I’d never eaten champs before,but it tasted like home to me.
28.Based on my nonstop appetite for champs,I suspect I have some Irish blood!
一号回答者 请问这是你自己亲手回答的?
(I Introduction)
(II Idea One)
(III Idea Two)
(IV Idea Three)
(V Conclusion)
(II Idea One)
(III Idea Two)
(IV Idea Three)
(V Conclusion)
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