早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1. 随着现代通讯的发展,世界变得越来越小。
2 . 这个秘密直到老人去世才知道.
3. 黑猩猩常常喜欢模仿人类的行为。
4 .他努力将计算机的一些原理应用于广告设计中.。
5. 正是他的帮助才使得我顺利解决这样复杂的问题。
6. 在学习中没有捷径可走。
7. 约翰凭他的聪明才智赢得了老板的信任.
8. .我们发现学好电脑不是佷困难。
9. .我们乐意帮助失学儿童。
10. 离开办公室时请关灯。
11. 听到这个消息,他们高兴得跳了起来.
12. 由于天气的原因,我们的校运会延期了。
15. 每次这个节目演出,都引发全国对这个问题的辩论。
17. 科学的快速发展促使许多企业探求新的出路。
Ⅶ. Translation from English into Chinese
1. Small as it is, the pen has changed the course of history, shaped the destiny of nations, facilitated the commerce of peoples, recorded events, carried news, and done more work of for mankind than all other tools or weapons.
2. The next time when we take up our pen to write, let’s remember that we hold in our hand the most powerful instrument mankind possess.
3. A more enjoyable form of entertainment is the picnic. Americans are great picnickers, and almost every family has a picnic basket.
4. We all know that science plays an important role in the societies in which we live. Many people believe, however, that our progress depends on two different aspects of science.
5. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter, however, could not understand me. I repeated my question several times.
1. Along with the modern communication's development, the world becomes getting smaller.
2. This secret died until old person only then knew.
3. The chimpanzee likes imitating humanity's behavior frequently.
4. He applies diligently computer's some principles in the advertisement design. .
5. Is precisely his help only then causes me to solve the such complex problem smoothly.
6. Does not have the shortcut in the study to be possible to walk.
7. John has won boss's trust depending on his intelligence and ability.
8. We discovered that learns the computer is not very difficult.
9. We are glad to help the dropout.
10. Leaves when the office please turn off a light.
11. Hears this news, they were happy jumped.
12. As a result of the weather reason, our school will transport will postpone.
13. people believe generally each word has the correct word meaning. do
14. why you tolerate these crimes which they violate?
15. Each time this program performs, initiates the nation to this question debate.
16. The tax payment is the duty which each citizen should to do.
17. The scientific fast development urges many enterprises to seek the new outlet.
1. 虽然它是小的,笔比其他工具或武器改变了历史路线,被塑造,被传播的新闻和完成人类的更多工作的国家命运,被促进人商务,记录的事件。
2.当下次,当我们再去使用我们的笔写时, 让我们记得,在我们的手中拿着人类拥有的最强有力的仪器。
3. 娱乐的一个更加令人愉快的形式是野餐。 美国人是了不起的野餐者,并且几乎每个家庭有一个野餐篮子。
4. 我们全部知道科学在我们居住的社会扮演一个重要角色。 然而,许多人民相信我们的进展取决于科学的二个不同方面。
5. 我不知道哪条道路通往我的旅馆,因此我要求搬运工。 我不但非常认真地讲英语,并且十分清楚。 然而,搬运工,不明白我的意思。 我只好多次重复了我的问题。

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