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Undoubtedly,railway is the first public transport means invented by human beings,and it appeared in Britain in the early nineteenth century for the first time as well.After that,the high-speed railway came out.
According to the definition,the high-speed railway refers to a new type of the railway system,owning the rate over 200 kilometers per hour.In the early 21st century,almost none of the railway systems had a rate more than 200 kilometers per hour.Up to the year 1964,the Japanese shinkansen appeared with a rate of 300 kilometers per hour.In addition,except achieving a certain rate,the train itself and the rail must be improved at the same time.Of course,the broad high-speed railway still include the magnetically levitated train,which will be widely used in the near future.
I believe,with the development of the science and technology,our railway system will become more and more advanced,bring convenience to our life

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