早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Dear Jack,
How are you doing?
I am sorry to write this email to you regarding my unavailablity of traveling to Shanghai with you next weekend because there has an ungency from my company which needs me to have a busniess trip to Northern part in China next weekend. However, I an eager to travel to the Shanghai with you. So, could you please change the travel date to Shanghai? For my suggestion, I prefer to trvel to Shanghai the weekend after next weekend. What you do think?
I hope you can understand. Looking forward to seeing you in Shanghai soon.
Jun Li
How are you doing?
I am sorry to write this email to you regarding my unavailablity of traveling to Shanghai with you next weekend because there has an ungency from my company which needs me to have a busniess trip to Northern part in China next weekend. However, I an eager to travel to the Shanghai with you. So, could you please change the travel date to Shanghai? For my suggestion, I prefer to trvel to Shanghai the weekend after next weekend. What you do think?
I hope you can understand. Looking forward to seeing you in Shanghai soon.
Jun Li
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