早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
To Tom:
Hey.i am so sorry,but for the trip to beijing next week,i don't think i can make it.
i know that we have planned for this for so long and i hate to disappoint you and cancell the trip next week,but the reason for this is that my distanced relatives just arrived today and i had to take them in and take them around the city for a tour until they leave by the end of the week.they had a little bit of flight delay on the way to (America) so they decided to stay at my house for a few days.
I think if you'd like we could maybe rearrange the trip to another time.how about (April)?
Li Hua
Hey.i am so sorry,but for the trip to beijing next week,i don't think i can make it.
i know that we have planned for this for so long and i hate to disappoint you and cancell the trip next week,but the reason for this is that my distanced relatives just arrived today and i had to take them in and take them around the city for a tour until they leave by the end of the week.they had a little bit of flight delay on the way to (America) so they decided to stay at my house for a few days.
I think if you'd like we could maybe rearrange the trip to another time.how about (April)?
Li Hua
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