早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
(1)I did a lot of things ,which seem to be a little stupid.but it's all because I care about you too much.maybe I didn't understand you at all.
(2)i have done so many stupid things,just because i care about you,just because i am too silly to understand you.
(3)because i care about are you,i have done something stupid.i donnot know you at all as i am so stupid.
(4)You ,reason why have done the very foolish thing because of caring about an eldest child very much ,have been that I am very clumsy not knowing you
(5)I was so addlepated that i did a lot of foolish things.But I really care about you,my big cheese.
(1)I did a lot of things ,which seem to be a little stupid.but it's all because I care about you too much.maybe I didn't understand you at all.
(2)i have done so many stupid things,just because i care about you,just because i am too silly to understand you.
(3)because i care about are you,i have done something stupid.i donnot know you at all as i am so stupid.
(4)You ,reason why have done the very foolish thing because of caring about an eldest child very much ,have been that I am very clumsy not knowing you
(5)I was so addlepated that i did a lot of foolish things.But I really care about you,my big cheese.
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