早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
My Favourite Singer.
My favourite singer is the American singer, Michael Jackson. He was not only an excellent singer, but also danced very well. Moreover, he is a kind-hearted person who donated a lot of money to those poor children in Africa. His works, including "Smooth Criminal", "You Are Not Alone" and "Childhood" left me a very good impresson. Although he was a very talented person, he worked day and night or producing excellnt dances and musics. As Edison, the great Amercian inventor said, "Genius is 99% perspiration adds 1% inspiration." I love Michael Jackson because he is such a perfect singer from all aspects.
My favourite singer is the American singer, Michael Jackson. He was not only an excellent singer, but also danced very well. Moreover, he is a kind-hearted person who donated a lot of money to those poor children in Africa. His works, including "Smooth Criminal", "You Are Not Alone" and "Childhood" left me a very good impresson. Although he was a very talented person, he worked day and night or producing excellnt dances and musics. As Edison, the great Amercian inventor said, "Genius is 99% perspiration adds 1% inspiration." I love Michael Jackson because he is such a perfect singer from all aspects.
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