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Shandong university of science and technology is one of the most fascinating yifu library. It building area of 38000 square meters, the stone material of facade like rows of bookshelf, north out a climb of the significance of steps, like the library building out his arms, welcome the thirst for knowledge, diligent study people. The east campus library construction area of 11000 square meters, is located in the center of school districts, it north of the east campus to north gate, the east there are magnificent building, in the south of exquisite artificial lake, west with the green to the teaching building of the green trees, main entrance platform of the ancient Greek sculpture "the thinker", marks here is the palace of wisdom.
Shandong university of science and technology according to the school library "to work primarily, the combination of science, arts penetration, distinctive features" of professional disciplines distribution, and the of all kinds of all the professional literature into Tibet, has basically has its collection characteristic, forms the science, engineering, the article, and the combination of machinery, electronics, electrical, computer, and management, history, biological science library system.
Shandong university of science and technology according to the school library "to work primarily, the combination of science, arts penetration, distinctive features" of professional disciplines distribution, and the of all kinds of all the professional literature into Tibet, has basically has its collection characteristic, forms the science, engineering, the article, and the combination of machinery, electronics, electrical, computer, and management, history, biological science library system.
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