I’m a father who has a fifteen-year-old daughter. I’m very strict with her. If she is not among the top 5 students in her class she will be punished (惩罚) in one way or another. She has been doing well in school but one of my friends keeps telling me that I put too much pressure (压力) on her.
1.表明自己的看法; 2.陈述自己的理由(可举例说明); 3.提出至少两条建议。
1. 短文词数不少于90字。
2. 内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯。
3. 书写须清晰、工整。
Hi AngryBird
What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in China. _________________________
Hi AngryBird
As a matter of fact what troubles you is also a problem facing many parents in China. I have to say that I cannot agree with what you have done when it comes to the way of education.
What is meant by a true good way of education? Perhaps there are a world of definitions. In my opinion getting high grades does not necessarily means everything. Youth is a most important period for everyone during which young people should possess good morality sound health perfect knowledge and various abilities. Applying to much pressure on us students does not benefit us; on the contrary in can possibly result in a bad ending. Though your daughter has been doing well in school how do you make sure she is living a happy life and will certainly have a bright future?
If I were you I would accept your friends’ advice. Besides it would be better to give your daughter more freedom so that she can create a new life.
Hi AngryBird
What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in China. My idea is that it is not quite right for you to do so.
Although high grades are an important factor in evaluating students and their future university admission development in wisdom emotion health and life attitude will never be ignored. There are many examples around us. Some all-A students in school have turned out not to be successful in society as they were expected. The reason is often that the pressure from their parents allows them almost no time for other activities. Furthermore punishment is by no means a wise choice to help them grow up mentally and physically.
So I suggest that you take you friends’ advice. More importantly let her live like a lovely girl; let her have more friends and social activities; and let her make mistakes of her own as we teenagers often do.
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