早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
以自己喜欢的科目写一念篇作文 是什么原因让你喜欢?英语作文带翻译
您好:What subject do you like best? I like English. When I grow up, I want to travel around the world. So I must learn English well. My teacher always says learning English well is very important, learning English is very interesting. It makes me happy. We can understand the things of other countries. This is my better communication on the path of travel.
My favorite subject is English. I think English is very important. Most people in the world can speak English. If you go to France, you can't speak French, can you speak English. Most people in France are speaking French. So it is very important, it is one of the most important to learn English well. Everyone should learn English well.
My favorite subject is English. I think English is very important. Most people in the world can speak English. If you go to France, you can't speak French, can you speak English. Most people in France are speaking French. So it is very important, it is one of the most important to learn English well. Everyone should learn English well.
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