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Each morning,I walked past a security guard(保安).He 36 everyone that walked by him.I 37 how he knew so many people by their first names.The first few times I saw him.I didn’t say hello back to him 38 he greeted me.I was lost in my own world.On Monday he asked,“How was your 39 ” I told him about my visit to my sick,elderly mother.He told me how 40 he was for my mother’s sickness.As I walked away,I realized I did not even know his 41.The following day,I asked,“What’s your name?” He answered ,“Gary.” I said,“I’m Deborah.” After that,we talked a couple of times a week.We 42 stories about our weekends ,our dreams,and our families.Gary got offered a new job and moved 43 .It has been years since I last spoke to him,yet the memory feels like yesterday.
I look back at what became a friendship of sharing stories from the heart.When you say 44 to a stranger(陌生人) you become a pebble(鹅卵石)thrown into a lake.With each ripple(涟漪)you create,you spread 45 that continues to give.
36.A.watched B.believed C.thanked D.greeted
37.A.complained B.admired C.expected D.forgot
38.A.when B.until C.before D.and
39.A.visit B.weekend C.mother D.sickness
40.A.afraid B.glad C.sorry D.surprised
41.A.age B.job C.name D.family
42.A.wrote B.heard C.read D.shared
43.A.away B.over C.on D.in
44.A.yes B.hello C.no D.goodbye
45.A.news B.virus C.love D.sadness
36.A 37.C 38.A 39.D 40.C 41.C 42.A 43.A 44.B 45.B

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