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  Last weekend after a quick lunch at a snack bar. I still had some extra time before going through security(安检) to catch my flight to Los Angeles. Not knowing what to do, I then decided it was the perfect time and place to look for an act of kindness to do.
  Outside security there was a girl having flowers for sale. I told her that I'd like to buy flowers for someone else, and she could decide who to give them to. She looked a little confused, so I suggested perhaps she should give them to someone who looked a little sad. That was because he or she might need some cheering up.
  At first, the girl answered, “That's crazy.”But then I explained a little more about the idea of doing something kind for a stranger, and she understood.
  “I'll never know how it turns out,” I said, “but you will have the chance to make someone's good day.” At that time, she started to seem excited about it.
  She went to take the flowers out of the water they were sitting in, and I explained, “It's fine to leave them in there until the person who you want to give them to comes.”
  At that point, I think she was between surprised and happy. Because it might be her first time to meet a customer like me. I paid for the flowers, said goodbye, and joined in the security line.
  What a nice day I had!
Where was the writer last weekend?
The writer wanted to buy flowers because he ________.
At first the girl thought the writer was ________.
According the passage, the girl might ________ after the writer left.

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