早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.What does Jack's sister want to be?
A.A teacher B.A doctor.C.A writer.
2、Why does Mike look tired?
A.Because he ate nothing this morning.
B.Because he did homework late last night.
C.Because he has had a bad cold.
3.What time will the woman see Mr.White this mornining?
A.At 10:00.B.At 10:15 C.At 11:00.
4.Where is the woman going?
A.To the library.B.To the shop C.To the park
5.Who will go shopping finally?
6.Where does Andy work now?
A.At a school.B.At a bank.C.At a sports centrer
7.What does Andy look like?
A.He has short hair.B.He is much heavier.C.He doesn't wear glasses.
8.Why does the man like to live in his neighbourhood?
A.Because the people there are friendly.
B.Because the air there is fresh.
C.Because he likes tall buildings.
9.Whom does the man take to have fun in the garden after supper?
A.His daughter.B.His wife.C.His friend.
10.What are the two speakers going to do next?
A.To do exercise.
B.To watch from the window.
C.To buy some flowers.
11.When did David go to visit Salt Lake City?
A.Last Sunday B.This Sunday.C.Last Saturday.
12.How did David get to Salt Lake City from Sandy?
A.By bus.B.By train.C.By car.
13.Why did David join the English group?
A.Because he wanted to practise English.
B.Because he was the guide's friend.
C.Because he liked the English guide
14.What did David do after lunch?
A.He posted some cards.
B.He visited Temple Square.
C.He saw the Church film.
15.How did David probably feel about the trip?
A.It was terrible.B.It was tiring.C.It was pleasant.
1.What does Jack's sister want to be?
A.A teacher B.A doctor.C.A writer.
2、Why does Mike look tired?
A.Because he ate nothing this morning.
B.Because he did homework late last night.
C.Because he has had a bad cold.
3.What time will the woman see Mr.White this mornining?
A.At 10:00.B.At 10:15 C.At 11:00.
4.Where is the woman going?
A.To the library.B.To the shop C.To the park
5.Who will go shopping finally?
6.Where does Andy work now?
A.At a school.B.At a bank.C.At a sports centrer
7.What does Andy look like?
A.He has short hair.B.He is much heavier.C.He doesn't wear glasses.
8.Why does the man like to live in his neighbourhood?
A.Because the people there are friendly.
B.Because the air there is fresh.
C.Because he likes tall buildings.
9.Whom does the man take to have fun in the garden after supper?
A.His daughter.B.His wife.C.His friend.
10.What are the two speakers going to do next?
A.To do exercise.
B.To watch from the window.
C.To buy some flowers.
11.When did David go to visit Salt Lake City?
A.Last Sunday B.This Sunday.C.Last Saturday.
12.How did David get to Salt Lake City from Sandy?
A.By bus.B.By train.C.By car.
13.Why did David join the English group?
A.Because he wanted to practise English.
B.Because he was the guide's friend.
C.Because he liked the English guide
14.What did David do after lunch?
A.He posted some cards.
B.He visited Temple Square.
C.He saw the Church film.
15.How did David probably feel about the trip?
A.It was terrible.B.It was tiring.C.It was pleasant.
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