早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.Today's political candidates may reach wide audiences by appearing on television; however,there is still value in old-fashioned barnstorming by allowing the electorate to meet candidates face to face.
正解是:Today's political candidates may reach wide audiences by appearing on television,but old-fashioned barnstorming still has value because it allows the electorate to meet candidates face to face.
2.Scienctists predict technological chanes in the next century will be dramatic as is the developement of the transcontinental railroad in the last century.
正解:Scienctists predict technological chanes in the next century as dramatic as the developement of the transcontinental railroad in the last century.
3.Quick to take advantage of Melanie Johnson's preoccupation in the history of the Johnson family,the genealogist proposed investigating that history - for a large fee.
为啥 "preoccupation in" 错了?我纠结了.
1.Today's political candidates may reach wide audiences by appearing on television; however,there is still value in old-fashioned barnstorming by allowing the electorate to meet candidates face to face.
正解是:Today's political candidates may reach wide audiences by appearing on television,but old-fashioned barnstorming still has value because it allows the electorate to meet candidates face to face.
2.Scienctists predict technological chanes in the next century will be dramatic as is the developement of the transcontinental railroad in the last century.
正解:Scienctists predict technological chanes in the next century as dramatic as the developement of the transcontinental railroad in the last century.
3.Quick to take advantage of Melanie Johnson's preoccupation in the history of the Johnson family,the genealogist proposed investigating that history - for a large fee.
为啥 "preoccupation in" 错了?我纠结了.
1.连接词“by”用在那里不对 因为句子里没有写 what is acting on the verb "allow" 所以听起来别扭
2.“as is"这样用听起来不顺 我知道你要表达的意思 跟第二个一样 不过要表达”像[名词]一样[形容词]" 还是用 "as [adjective] as [noun]"更合适
3."preoccupation"不能和"in"一起用 正确用法是"preoccupation with"
这些错误都是很小的语法错误,虽然小但还是经常犯的错误 所以被挑出来
1.连接词“by”用在那里不对 因为句子里没有写 what is acting on the verb "allow" 所以听起来别扭
2.“as is"这样用听起来不顺 我知道你要表达的意思 跟第二个一样 不过要表达”像[名词]一样[形容词]" 还是用 "as [adjective] as [noun]"更合适
3."preoccupation"不能和"in"一起用 正确用法是"preoccupation with"
这些错误都是很小的语法错误,虽然小但还是经常犯的错误 所以被挑出来
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