早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


用 was,were,lived,went ,studied ,wanted,have to,would,like to do sb,let sb do sth,stopped.各造一个句子并改为否定句.特殊疑问句.一般疑问句.并做肯定.否定回答
1.He was a poet and a novelist .
--he was not a poet and a novelist.
--what was he?
--was he a poet and a novelist?
yes,he was.no,he wasn't.
2.you were saying we are good friends forever.
--you were not saying we are good friends forever.
--what were you saying?
--were you saying we are good friends forever?
yes,you were.no,you were not.
3.He lived there happily for a year.
--he didn't live there happily for a year.
--how long did he live there happily?
--did he live there happily for a year?
yes,he did.no,he didn't.
4.They went to Paris on a mission.
--they didn't go to Paris on a mission.
--where did they go on a mission?
--did they go to Paris on a mission?
yes,they did.no,they didn't.
5.he studied English for nine years.
--he didn't study English for nine years.
--what did he study for nine years?
--did he study English for nine years?
yes,he did.no,he didn't.
6.he wanted to own a house.
--he didn't want to own a house.
--what did he want?
--did he want to own a house?
yes,he did.no,he didn't.
7.I have to finish the homework.
--i have not to finish the homework.
--what do you have to finish?
--do you have to finish the homework?
yes,i do.no,i don't.
8.I would really like to go running.
--i wouldn't like to go running.
--what would you like to do?
--would you really like to go running?
yes,i would.no,i would not.
9.i like to do sports.
--i don't like to do sports.
--what do you like to do?
--do you like to do sports?
yes,i do.no,i don't.
10.my mom let me go home early.
--my mom don't let me go home early.
--what does your mom let you do?
--does your mom let you go home early、
yes,she does.no,she doesn't.
11.They stopped playing when it rained.
--they didn't stop playing when it rained.
--when did they stop playing?
--did they stop playing when it rained?
yes,they did.no,they didn't.
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