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几个英语小题,正如老师讲的一模一样 大恩小弟我没齿难忘
19.It is said that the math teacher seems___towards bright student .
A:partial B:beneficial C:preferable D:liable
20.in order to show his boss what a careful worker he was ,he took __trouble over the figures.
A:extensive B:spare C:extra D:supreme
21-“May I speak to your manager Mr.Williams at five o’clock tonight ”
--“I’m sorry .Mr.Williams ___to a conference long before then .”
A:will have gone B;had gone C;would have gone D;has gone
22 You ___him so closely ;you should have kept your distance .
A;shouldn’t follow B;mustn’t follow C;couldn’t have been following D:shouldn’t have been following
19.It is said that the math teacher seems_A__towards bright student .A: partial B:beneficial C:preferable D:liable20.in order to show his boss what a careful worker he was ,he took _A_trouble over ...
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