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不要在公共场合大声喧哗(in public)明年我就能买一辆新车了(afford)当他听到这个消息时,他惊讶地长大嘴巴(in suprise)你要和我们一起大牌吗?(join in )人们发现夏天多喝水是有益的(find it good to ) 请你叫他尽快给我回复电话好么(call sb back = ring sb back )我们学习语言是为了交流思想(communicate)人们发现多吃水果是必要的(it takes ...to ...)我骑车上学只需要20分钟(it takes ..to )她打算给她学校校长发一个电子信函(e-mail) she thought it unnecessary to argue with him about it .please be sure to confirm your return flight two days in advance .if you want to retunrn this camera m you must bring you receipti like to make friends with those who are ready to help others it's very kind of you to come to the railway station to see me it .
Don't racket in public (in public) next year I'll be able to buy a new car (afford) when he heard the news, he was surprised to grow up mouth (in suprise) you want to come with us and big? (join in )人们发现夏天多喝水是有益的(find it good to ) 请你叫他尽快给我回复电话好么(call sb back = ring sb back )我们学习语言是为了交流思想(communicate)人们发现多吃水果是必要的(it takes ... to ... )我骑车上学只需要20分钟(it takes .. to )她打算给她学校校长发一个电子信函(e-mail) she thought it unnecessary to argue with him about it .please be sure to confirm your return flight two days in advance .if you want to retunrn this camera m you must bring you receipti like to make friends with those who are ready to help others it's very kind of you to come to the railway station to see me it .
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