早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.I feel like going to the People's Square with my friends this Saturday.
同义句:I ( )like to ( ) the People's Square with my friends this Saturday.
2.It's 7.30.He goes to school,but he doesn't have breakfast.
同义句:It's 7.30.He goes to school( ) ( )breakfast.
3."People now know more about SARS and the right ways to keep themselves safe." the doctor said to the reporters.
同义句:The doctor ( )the reporters ( )people now ( ) more about SARS and the right ways to ( )themselves ( )it.
4.Susan has been in this city for more than ten years.
同义句:( ) ( )more than ten years ( )Susan ( )to this city.
1.I feel like going to the People's Square with my friends this Saturday.
同义句:I (would )like to (go ) the People's Square with my friends this Saturday.
2.It's 7.30.He goes to school,but he doesn't have breakfast.
同义句:It's 7.30.He goes to school( without) (having )breakfast.
3."People now know more about SARS and the right ways to keep themselves safe." the doctor said to the reporters.
同义句:The doctor ( told)the reporters (that )people now ( knew) more about SARS and the right ways to ( keep)themselves (from)it.
4.Susan has been in this city for more than ten years.
同义句:( It) (is )more than ten years (since )Susan ( moved)to this city.

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