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Dear Mr.***:
How is it going?
I had received Mr.AAA’s email and read it carefully, from which I know you still care about our project. I’ll say thanks for your attention.
I had expressed my opinions in the email replied to Mr.AAA. You know, I really want to cooperate with you. Your company is very famous in the world, and is very experienced in developing shopping malls. we are sure that if we cooperate successfully, the project must be a significant edifice. So, we welcome you to cooperate with us in single aspect of the project, such as project planning, or marketing, or management etc. How do you think of my opinion?(这句话想要表达的意思是:想在规划方案设计、招商运营、管理等方面与贵公司展开合作)
Please give me a reply as soon as possible, thank you.
Best regards
24 August 2006

Dear Mr.***:
How is it going?
I "have" received Mr.AAA’s email and read it carefully,from which I know you still "interested in" our project.I "would" say thanks for your.
I "have" expressed my opinions in the email replied to Mr.AAA.You know,I really want to "have a chance to"cooperate with "your company".Your company is very famous "around" world,and "has lots of experiences" in developing shopping malls.We are sure that if we "two" cooperate successfully,the project must be a significant edifice.So,"we hope can have business with your company in the terms of layout design,fund attraction,operation and management."
"Looking forward to your earlier reply",thank you!
Best regards
24 August 2006

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