早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


假如你是李华,针对目前有些中学生购买彩票的现象,给21st Century 报社编辑写信,并谈谈自己的看法,其中包括以下要点:
Dear editor .
At present , many high school students are addicted to buying lottery tickets and they seem to have good reasons . However , I’d like to talk about my views on the phenomenon .
Therefore , I think it is necessary for them to keep away from lottery stations and concentrate on their studies for now .
Yours ,
Li Hua

Dear editor ,
At present , many high school students are addicted to buying lottery tickets and they seem to have good reasons . However , I’d like to talk about my views on the phenomenon .
In my opinion , its disadvantages are far more than its disadvantages , despite one of their reasons that they can do something useful for society in this way . High school students can’t support themselves financially but depend on their parents for the moment . Thus , in order to collect money with which to buy lottery tickets , they may try every possible means , even commit crimes .
In addition , if they put their minds on lottery tickets , their lessons will be affected more or less . And in the long run , lottery ticket purchasing will contribute to their wrong understanding that there must be a shortcut to every destination , which will surely do great harm to them the whole life .
Therefore , I think it is necessary for them to keep away from lottery stations and concentrate on their studies for now .
Yours ,
Li Hua
