早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
中国梦 青春出彩 英语演讲稿
速求速求!不要太多 两三分钟就可以!
速求速求!不要太多 两三分钟就可以!
What's your dream?How you are going to implement it?
Hope I can do what,in short,is a dream.In every one's life,the dream is always constantly changing,two causes change.A because before a dream come true,he has a new goal; One is found to have setbacks,when he was in the dream and then choose simple to complete.In this world,the former can always when the big boss,while the latter only current employees.
We all have many dreams,but in the dream,is difficult to achieve,there is also a very easy.Instead,the former will be the second most.So,we want to achieve your dream,be sure to start with small things:study hard,every
Hope I can do what,in short,is a dream.In every one's life,the dream is always constantly changing,two causes change.A because before a dream come true,he has a new goal; One is found to have setbacks,when he was in the dream and then choose simple to complete.In this world,the former can always when the big boss,while the latter only current employees.
We all have many dreams,but in the dream,is difficult to achieve,there is also a very easy.Instead,the former will be the second most.So,we want to achieve your dream,be sure to start with small things:study hard,every
张敏从家到学校要走30分钟,如果每分钟多走20米,就可以少用5分钟.问张敏家到学校的距离是多少米? 2020-05-22 …
李老师从家到学校,每分钟行50m,12分钟可以到达.如果每分钟多行10m则多少分钟到达用比例解2. 2020-05-24 …
小明要打一篇文章,如果每分钟打25个字,6分钟可以完成.如果每分钟多打5个字,几分钟可以完成?{用 2020-06-13 …
小兰想知道自己1分钟可以走多少步,她测了4次,测得1分钟走的距离分别是28.2米、27.9米、28 2020-06-24 …
打字员打一份书稿,每分钟打120个字,25分钟可以打完.如果要在20分钟打完这份书稿,每分钟应打多少 2020-11-07 …
一个水池中有甲乙两个进水管,两管齐开4.8分钟可以注满水池,如果单开乙管,要12分钟才可住满水池,已 2020-11-15 …
求一个哲理小故事故事大概是中国和美国互相去考察教育,断言中国二十年后必超美国.可是多少个二十年过去了 2020-11-23 …
小胖要打一篇768字的文章,他平均每分钟可以打字24个,需要几分钟可以打完?如果他加快速度,每分钟多 2020-12-02 …
小明从家去学校,每分钟走60米,10分钟可以到.如果每分钟多走15米,几分钟可以走到?如果要提前2分 2020-12-18 …
一只小蜗牛计划以一定的速度从A地爬到B地但每分钟多爬行2/5分米就可比计划节省1/4的时间,如果每分 2021-02-05 …