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British capital, political, economic, cultural and transportation center, the country's largest port, and one of the biggest cities in the world. With an area of 1,605 square kilometers and has a population of 7 million (1987), Great London, which consists of the City of London (or" The City ") and 32 cities, is located in the southeast of England, downstream sides of Thames, 88 km from the estuary; the 12 cities around the City of London, which are equivalent to the urban area are called "Inner London", having an area of 303 square kilometers and a population of 2.145 million. Built in 43 BC, London is a world famous city, the capital of UK, and the financial, cultural, artistic, educational center. She has a long history and many tourist attractions, numerous world-class museums, galleries and famous buildings, which make her a world famous tourist destination and attract a large number of oversea tourists every year. She also has a rich and colorful cultural and educational atmosphere. Many world famous universities, colleges and other educational institutions attract scholars from all over the world to come and further their studies.

英语翻译唐河店,南距常山郡七里,因河为名.有妪独止店上.会一虏(1)至,系马于门,呵妪汲水.妪持绠  2020-05-22 …

英语翻译唐河店南距常山郡七里,因河为名.平时虏至店饮食游息,不以为怪.兵兴以来,始防捍之,然亦未甚  2020-06-04 …

英语翻译唐河店南距常山郡七里,因河为名.平时虏至店饮食游息,不以为怪.兵兴以来,始防捍之,然亦未甚  2020-06-18 …

南橘北枳是说橘子种在淮河以南可以结出甜美的果实,在淮河以北则又酸又硬,造成这一差距的主要环境因素是  2020-07-05 …

英语翻译河水南径北屈县故城西,西四十里有风山.风山西四十里,河南孟门山,与龙门相对.《山海经》曰:  2020-07-07 …

如图,一个牧童在距离小河岸南400米的A处牧马,而他的家正位于牧马处A的东800米(BC=800米  2020-07-25 …

英语翻译濠河是南通城里最美丽的地方,人们来到这儿会心情舒畅.濠河养育了千千万万代的南通人,濠河是我们  2020-11-07 …

英语翻译梁惠王说:“我对国家的治理,很尽心竭力的吧!黄河以南发生灾荒,就把那里的灾民移往黄河以东,把  2020-11-30 …

(共19分)泰晤士河是英国著名的“母亲”河。发源于英格兰西南部,最后注入北海(泰晤士河穿过首都伦敦,  2020-12-08 …

英语翻译英国首都,政治、经济、文化和交通中心,全国最大港口,世界大城市之一.位于英格兰东南部,泰晤士  2020-12-08 …